Auteur Sujet: Down in the River to Pray  (Lu 3667 fois)

Kaptain Bigg

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Down in the River to Pray
« le: 16 avril 2017 à 00:01:15 »

Bon faut dire que j'adore ce film, O'Brother. Après "Man of Constant sorrow" j'ai eu trop de mal à résister à reprendre un autre titre de cette superbe BO...

 :uku: Down in the River to Pray  :uku:

L'instrumental | Le PDF

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good ol' way
And who shall wear the starry crown?
Good Lord show me the way!

O sisters let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
O sisters let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good ol' way
And who shall wear the robe & crown?
Good Lord show me the way

O brothers let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
Come on brothers, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good ol' way
And who shall wear the starry crown?
Good Lord show me the way

O fathers let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
O fathers let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good ol' way
And who shall wear the robe and crown?
Good Lord show me the way

O mothers let's go down
Come on down, don't you wanna go down?
Come on mothers, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good ol' way
And who shall wear the starry crown?
Good Lord show me the way

O sinners, let's go down
Let's go down, come on down
O sinners, let's go down
Down in the river to pray

As I went down in the river to pray
Studying about that good ol' way
And who shall wear the robe and crown?
Good Lord show me the way


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Re : Down in the River to Pray
« Réponse #1 le: 16 avril 2017 à 00:29:59 »
Quelle chouette façon de présenter tes reprises, avec tout prêt à l'emploi... Merci!
"But I, being poor, have only four strings. Strum softly, because you strum on my strings."
(D'après William Butler Yeats.)

Kaptain Bigg

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Re : Down in the River to Pray
« Réponse #2 le: 16 avril 2017 à 00:35:21 »
Parce que c'est un forum d'entraide  ;D

R i C o O

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Re : Down in the River to Pray
« Réponse #3 le: 16 avril 2017 à 00:37:31 »
Miam. J'aime. Encore.
R i C o O fait du uke
Pour vous abonner à ma chaîne YouTube, c'est ici


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Re : Down in the River to Pray
« Réponse #4 le: 16 avril 2017 à 01:52:39 »
Magnifique, j'adore !!!

Parce que c'est un forum d'entraide  ;D
Parce que tu es généreux.
C'est pas parce qu'ils sont nombreux à avoir tort qu'ils ont raison - M. Colucci

Kaptain Bigg

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Re : Down in the River to Pray
« Réponse #5 le: 18 avril 2017 à 20:29:52 »
100 clous